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11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh

11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh

I am Rajkumar Baghel and I am a professional traveler and I am seeing you through my experience blog related to travel.
11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh
Elante Mall

Chandigarh is a city that is a union territory as well as it is also the capital of two states Haryana and Punjab. It is a planned city not only of North India but of the country.

 Nestled in the foothills of the Shivalik Mountains, the scenic spots of Chandigarh, the beautiful gardens of the city, clean roads and well-planned markets attract the attention of native foreign tourists.

  This planned city, built by the architect La Carbusier and its collaborators, is divided into 47 sectors. The wide and clean roads of this city represent its excellent plan, all the Kalonia, mohalla and lanes of this city are known for their excellent architecture.

  There are neither winding narrow streets nor skyscrapers. This is probably one of the main reasons for maintaining its cleanliness. Set up in a very planned way, the city has become a tourist attraction. This is the reason that Chandigarh's sights are gaining a lot of fame in the tourists.

  The city is said to be named after Chandi Devi. There is a famous temple of Chandi Devi here just 15 km from the city. Where there are huge crowds of tourists.

 One of the peculiarities of this city is that many world-class scenic spots can be seen here in a very short time and at a very short distance. Due to its amazing beauty, this city is also known as "Beautiful City".

1. Capital Complex

Capital Complex is located in Sector 1 of Chandigarh. There are many buildings in the same area like Secretariat, High Court, Open Hand Valuation etc.

 Their texture and the atmosphere around here, the system of cleanliness gives you the experience of being in a foreign city.  Tourists visiting Chandigarh's sightseeing must visit here.

2. Rock Garden

11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh
Rock garden

It is a very famous and beautiful park in the scenic spot of Chandigarh. The beauty here wins Salano's heart. It is a unique garden of its kind. In this garden composed by the famous artist Nekchand, unique artifacts have been constructed from waste and broken objects.

 Which is no less than imagination. Apart from this, beautiful fountains, waterfalls, colorful flowers, lush green gardens attract the tourists here. The park is opened for visitors every day at 10 am.

3. Sukhna Lake

This lake is also located in Sector 1 of Chandigarh. This lake is unnaturally formed in the foothills of the Shivalik Hills. There are many types of fish in this lake. Those who have to get permission from the tourism department before getting caught. Tourists can also enjoy boating in this lake. It is also a good destination for water sports and other water sports.
11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh
Sukna Lake

4. Rose Garden

This beautiful garden is located in Sector 16, Chandigarh. Built in about 30 acres of land and with more than 1600 varieties of rose flowers, this garden is Asia's largest rose garden. The beauty of this place surprises the tourists.
 Many varieties of roses bloom here in the month of February. At that time the festival here is also celebrated with great pomp. During this time, a lot of tourists do photography in this park. There is also a 70-foot fountain in the middle of this garden.

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 Which adds beauty to its beauty. The garden is open from 5 am to 9 pm in the months of April to September. In the remaining months, it opens an hour late. The Rose Garden is the most visited place of sightseeing in Chandigarh.
11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh
Rose Garden

5. Gandhi Bhawan

Gandhi Bhawan is located in Sector 14, Chandigarh.  It is a grand building.  This building is said to be the most photogenic building in the city.

6. Leisure Valley

Leisure Valley is located in Sector 10 of Chandigarh. It is a very beautiful resort. Its tranquil environment and natural beauty attracts tourists. The lush green gardens and flower-filled paths here give a pleasant feeling to the tourists.

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Natural beauty is scattered around here. This resort, named Leisure Valley, is a long, wide, clean and beautiful resort. After stepping into this valley, the tourist does not feel like leaving here.

11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh
Beautiful Lake

7. Terrace Garden

Terrace Garden is located in Sector 33, Chandigarh. This garden filled with colorful seasonal flowers is spread over 10 acres of land.

 There is a lot of seasonal flowers here. This garden is considered important from the point of view of studies. It is an ideal study center for botany researchers.

8. Kala Sagar

This place is located in Chandigarh's Sector 10 in Chandigarh. Here many attractive specimens have been prepared from broken pieces of hundreds of varieties.

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 Therefore, it is unique in itself. Kala is the center of attraction of Sagar's amazing design and beautiful tourism. It was built by Vijaypal Goyal.

9. Boganvellia Garden

Boganvellia Gardens is located in Sector 3 of Chandigarh. This park has many varieties of beautiful flowers of colorful Boganvellia. The park is spread over an area of   about 20 acres.

10. Chandigarh Musium

The Chandigarh Museum is located in Sector 10 of Chandigarh. This museum building, built by Architect La Karbuguez, is a unique building in terms of architectural art. The museum houses artifacts from the times of Kangra, Rajasthani and Mughals, which marvels at art lovers.

11 Places to Visit in Chandigarh ll Best 11 Tourist Places to Visit in Chandigarh
Fateh Burj

 There is also an art gallery near this museum. Where excellent specimens of old and modern art are stored. The museum is closed on Mondays and its viewing time is from 10 am to 4:30 pm.

11. Topiary Park

Created from different animal shaped plants and audio, Kritiya is the center of attraction of this park.  The park is located in Sector 35, Chandigarh.

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